God in Four Letters


This is the omnipotence

that created

and despises you


Now, find a pathway to love

even though the walls are built

of mourning


Construct a house out of dreams

and find a way to make it protect you

from the wind


And when you find yourself shouting up and asking

Is life really all dust and pain and sky

Know that the answer is yes


But that you can always

Pass through the door

As they say


Sometimes I think it is better

sooner, rather than later

Even now I worry


That when they dig into me

they will find that my heart has

lost all of its creaturness


That it has solidified

That it, more than anything, now

resembles a gun

Nora Rose Tomas is a queer writer based in New York City. She is currently an MFA candidate at Columbia University. You can follow her on Instagram @dr_sappho. 
